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Tuesday 6 November 2012

My day in Toronto discovering more about PR

I've been meaning to blog about my day in Toronto since October 31st. So, I am finally sitting down and blogging my thoughts about my PR field trip!

On October 31st I had the opportunity to venture into Toronto with my PR class to visit three interesting locations.

First, my class and I met with staff at National, a PR agency. As I entered the board meeting where we were seated for a presentation, I thought to myself, I may be working in a place like this one day. As the presentation started, I came to realize that the two individuals presenting were so down to earth and genuinely seemed to have fun doing their job. I was able to learn what a day in the life of a PR practitioner involved and from what I heard; I am drawn to PR even more so.

Secondly, my class and I met with staff at Hill and Knowlton. This was a whole different experience compare to the first agency we met with. Hill and Knowlton did an excellent job at promoting their business. After sitting through the presentation at Hill and Knowlton, I thought to myself, wow! That is definitely something to work towards.

Both agencies’s had so much information to intake; it was rather overwhelming to think of my future in this industry. I have so many thoughts and interests of where I can take my career and this day in Toronto definitely opened my eyes to even more opportunities.

Although I was tired, the day was not done yet. Next, my class and I made our way to the George Stroumboulopolos. This was a lot of fun! However, I went into the show thinking we were going to see the Canadian Tenors, a famous director and Ed the sock! I came to realized that the show is taped ahead of time and we were really going to see the Friday show. There was only one guest that we saw, Amanda Lang. She was interesting however, I must admit, I was more interested in how George conducts his interviews compared to the guest speaker.

Overall, the day was insightful and inspiring!

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